Terms of Use

Your use of this website constitutes your acceptance of the Arkad’s Lesson, Inc. (“Arkad’s Lesson”) Privacy Policy and the following terms of use. You acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by all the provisions set forth on this page and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this website.

This site is provided “As Is” and Arkad’s Lesson expressly disclaims all representations and warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, with respect to this website or its contents, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The information provided or referred to on this site is solely for illustrative purposes. Such information is not intended to and does not create any business, contractual or employment relationship. In no event, shall Arkad’s Lesson or any of its officers, employees, agents, suppliers, representatives, affiliates or Alliance Partners be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of any information contained within or referred to on this website including, without limitation, any compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties, punitive or special damages.

Links to third party websites. The ArkadsLesson.com and ChoosingWealth.com websites link may to various websites owned and operated by third parties. These third-party website links are provided for your convenience only, and are not under our control. Arkad’s Lesson, its officers, employees, agents, suppliers, representatives, affiliates, or Alliance Partners are not responsible for the contents of any third-party website or any additional website links contained within any third-party website. The existence of a third-party website link on our site should be viewed only as a convenience for locating additional information and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any opinions, information, products, or services contained in or referred to within such third-party website link.

Framed content. We do not frame third-party content within this website and we expressly prohibit the framing of our live web pages on any third-party website. We do encourage third party links to this website, so long as such links do not involve framing our original content within a third-party Web page or window.

Any submitted content from visitors, users or members, including but not limited to comments, reviews, replies, email, email attachments, or any other content, becomes the property of Arkad’s Lesson, with the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish submitted content for editorial, trade, advertising, and any other purpose and in any manner and medium; and to alter and composite the same without restriction and without your inspection or approval. You hereby release Arkad’s Lesson or any of its officers, employees, agents, suppliers, representatives, affiliates or Alliance Partners from all claims and liability relating to said submitted content.

Trademarks and service marks. The Arkad’s Lesson and Choosing Wealth® trademarks, trade names and logo designs are intellectual property of Arkad’s Lesson. All third-party company names, trademarks and service marks cited within this website, if any, are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright. The website design, content, photographs, page headers and footers, custom button and icon designs, illustrations and infographics, and the selection and arrangement thereof are the property of Arkad’s Lesson, ©2016-2017, all United States and international rights reserved. Website incorporates programming logic and other intellectual property created and owned by third-parties, all United States and international rights reserved. The contents of this site may not be copied or reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including via the Internet or any other digital information and retrieval system, for any non-private commercial purpose (other than the fair use exceptions described below) without prior written permission of the copyright holder(s).

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